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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pirate Cat Radio needs help

As you probably know, I cohost a great show on Pirate Cat radio, Ben Feldman Presents Ben Feldman's the Ben Feldman Show With Candy Churilla & Microphones. One year ago, Pirate Cat Radio 87.9fm was fined $10,000 by the FCC for broadcasting without at license from the FCC. Since then, Pirate Cat Radio has left an empty spot on our radio dials leaving the inter-webs as the only place Pirate Cat Radio could be heard.

KPDO 89.3fm in Pescadero took some Pirate Cat shows and re-broadcasted them. With Pirate Cat Radio's help, KPDO has become voice for the residents of the Pescadero area. But this again leaves Pirate Cat Radio short of a permanent home on the radio dial.

San Francisco needs Pirate Cat Radio back on the air, to help the voices of thousands of others to be heard and this needs to be done legally.

Impossible? There is a way!

The founder of Pirate Cat Radio has found a license for a full power legal radio station, that Pirate Cat Radio can use.

The only obstacle: $60,000.00

That's where you come in!

What makes Pirate Cat Radio so special?

Do you really need more reasons beside Ben and me?

Okay, one of our comic friend's Howard Stone's show This Is the Week That Is, Thursday morning's Pretty Good, Not Much

and as Anthony Bourdain discovered...
Maple Bacon Lattes


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