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Friday, October 15, 2010

I Spit on Your Grave

Here's a lovely film I'm not sure I have the balls to watch! Here is a review/explanation from The New York Times. Click here for the article I copied and pasted.

A title like “I Spit on Your Grave” has a lot to live up to, even had it not belonged to one of the classics of exploitation cinema: Meir Zarchi’s sickening — and visually horrendous — 1978 rampage, originally titled “Day of the Woman.” Mr. Zarchi returns as an executive producer for Steven R. Monroe’s remake, which may be one reason that Stuart Morse’s screenplay takes few liberties with the story. Those he does take, however, are a significant improvement.

Once again we meet Jennifer Hills (Sarah Butler), a comely young writer renting a lonely cabin in the Louisiana backwoods. When a gang of hairy-palmed locals — including a slowwitted plumber (Chad Lindberg) and a twisted sheriff (Andrew Howard) — interrupt her first draft to indulge in an evening of rape and terrorization, Jennifer is uncowed. Faking her death, she returns to punish her attackers by ingeniously repurposing their recreational tools, including fish hooks, bear traps and garden shears. All of them are rusty.

Despite rumors of paramedics’ being rushed to a screening at the Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal, this new movie is actually less exploitative than the original. (For one thing, the heroine no longer seduces her victims before offing them.) The mayhem is less eroticized, the performances more authentic and the first film’s sandblasted vérité look has been replaced by Neil Lisk’s swampy-slick photography.

Female-empowerment fantasy or just plain prurience, “Grave” is extremely efficient grindhouse. If there is any message here at all, it’s don’t mess with a novelist: being creative is her job.

Two trailers for the remake:

Trailer for the original:

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