
Upcoming gigs

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Light it up Blue for Autism

One of my boyfriend's grandsons (I'm still not used to saying that!!) has been diagnosed with a mild form of autism. He's three and he doesn't talk. But last Monday he said, "I love you" out of the blue and made our week! So in case you're wondering why some of your Facebook friends have tinted their profile pics blue, we're raising awareness for autism. It has NOTHING to do with Smurfs, so save the dumb comments. Visit for more info.

And here is how you can turn your pics blue:

STEP 1:Click on the "Profile" link to visit your Facebook profile

STEP 2:Right click on your profile picture and select "Save Picture As" from the menu. then save the image to your computer's desktop as "Blue Profile.jpg"

STEP 3:Once your profile image is saved, open a new window in your web browser and visit and click on "Open Image From Computer"

STEP 4:Select "Blue Profile.jpg: from the list of files on your desktop. Click the "Open" button

STEP 5:Click on the "Adjustment" menu and select "Color lookup"

STEP 6:When the "Color lookup" window opens, double click on the black box next to the word "color," enter "250" into the box that appears next to "B." and click "OK"

STEP 7:Click on the "File" menu and select "Save" and click OK. Then select "Desktop" as the location to save your image back to your desktop, click "OK" and close the window for the picture editor

STEP 8:Return to your Facebook profile page, scroll over your profile picture and click on "change picture"

STEP 9:Click on the "Browse" button and select "Blue Profile.jpg" from the list of files on your desktop and click the "Open" button to replace your image

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