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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Cindy's Foods for Flat Abs

Cindy from Exercise TV:

It never ceases to amaze me how little some people know...watching my friends drink soda is like watching them smoke. The only thing I have to work on is saving the alcohol for the weekend. :) It's gotten much harder to do since I don't have a day job, and I've noticed that all my comedian friends who've gotten laid off from their day jobs drink a lot more, too. Since I got a dog, I spend less time in the gym, since I don't like being away from her. If I walk her in my neighborhood, I don't get a great workout, since it's pretty flat. So I now drive about five minutes away to a really hilly neighborhood and I love it! I get my heart rate up to the fat burning zone, and my calves and butt burn like when I started working out.

After I moved to the Bay Area from North Carolina, I quickly gained 30 pounds without even realizing it! I didn't have a scale at the time, so I weighed myself at my parents' and damn near shit my clothes when I realized how much I gained! Writing down what I ate made a HUGE difference, and if you need to lose weight, I highly recommend you do it. One great way I found to keep track is the calorie counter on They have a free Blackberry app I used to use...I'm not sure what other apps they have.

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